In this project, a study of the water quality in the " Reserva de la Biosfera Selva el Ocote "
was carried out in 3 different seasons at different points that were previously geo-referenced,
in which field, physical-chemical and microbiological parameters were analyzed. The results
were compared with current regulations and the water quality index of the sites was
calculated in order to obtain their respective classification within their categories,
establishing a baseline for this reserve so that in future research it will be possible to compare
the environmental impact with respect to the passage of time.
Evaluar la calidad del agua de los principales ríos ubicados dentro de la zona geográfica
delimitada por la Reserva de la Biosfera Selva El Ocote, mediante una serie de análisis de
laboratorio que nos permitirán así conocer cuantitativamente las características
fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas del agua en estudio, para poder entonces identificar que
pueden afectar el aprovechamiento adecuado de este recurso.